Season's Greetings
It's the end of 2017 so this will be the last article we publish this year. Today, we'll share with you audience stats (of loyal readers like you) and highlight the best read articles of 2017. Let's get started.
Who Reads New Airport Insider?
In comparison with last time, the number of managers as well as senior and junior managers have remained relatively the same while there is an increase in the number of directors (34% to 36%), a decrease in C-Suite (11% to 9%) and a doubling in the education-related readership (from 2% to 4%). See chart below.
audience by role
audience by region
by sector
For the sector readership, we have split these differently for more detail so difficult to compare to last year. For the region, Europe has declined slightly (from 46% to 45%), while North America, Asia and Australia and New Zealand remained the same (24%) and South America increased (from 3% to 4%) just like Africa (from 1% to 2%). Date: 16 December 2017
Best Read Articles of 2017
We looked at social shares and other stats and found the below 4 articles to have received the most engagement (and some just got published). This demonstrates audience interest in these topics. Also these articles are well-written and very informative.
This is How Migration is Reshaping Air Transport by Nadine Itani
This is Why No Airport Privatization in the U.S by Greg Principato
Airport Workforce Development is Hotter Than Ever by Greg Principato
Thailand Aviation: What Happened to It? by Guillaume Dupont
We now take our traditional publishing break in January and be back with a new article in April 2018. Contact us if you want to collaborate with New Airport Insider.
Thank you for your support in 2017. All of us at New Airport Insider wish you and your family a really nice Christmas and a fantastic 2018!
- Jinan
Updated on 09 July 2020
Image credit: Vitor Azevedo